Björn Brynjúlfur

Who am I? 🤷‍♂️

I'm a web developer and entrepreneur, born and living in Iceland. In 2017, I quit my job to focus on building software full-time. Right now, I'm working on Moodup, an employee engagement platform.

My other projects include Frami, an online education service, Herborg, a mortgage comparison tool, and Blaðberi, a news aggregator.

Writing ✍️

I publish blog posts, book reviews, code snippets and newspaper articles on this website. Below are my latest posts. See writing for all posts sorted by date.

Postgres full-text search in Icelandic
2021 personal review
2021 work review: Moodup
Deploying Elixir and Phoenix
The Journey to Product-Market Fit

Contact ✉️

I would love to hear from you. The best way to reach me is via email, as I'm not active on social media. My address is