Björn Brynjúlfur

First post

I believe that writing clarifies thinking. Writing in public has the additional benefit of helping both others and myself, through sharing of thoughts and ideas.

Despite this, I have written little in the past. I have made numerous attempts, both in the form of blogs and diaries, but always stopped quite quickly.

I suspect the reason for my blog failures is fear. When writing in public, I feel self-conscious and notice myself thinking about how others could perceive the text and myself. Thus, to avoid this unpleasantness, I justify not writing anymore and stop.

My diary failures have a different cause. When writing only for yourself, there is no accountability or feedback. In my case it feels like making a speech to an empty room - there's just no point.

Fear is a bad reason to refrain from writing in public. I want to challenge and ideally remove this feeling by acting differently and seeing for myself that is causes no harm.

We will see in the coming weeks whether this latest attempt will work. If I have correctly identified the cause of my previous failures, at least the chances for this one are improved.

Newer: Learning to build a SaaS

Older: Setting up an M1 Mac for development